How to Transfer a Domain From Porkbun to Another Registrar

You want to transfer a domain from Porkbun to another registrar? We’re sorry to see you go! No hard feelings. If you are ever dissatisfied with your new registrar, or you just miss us, it’s easy to  transfer a domain to Porkbun once again.
Now, before we start, please answer the following questions:

Was your domain first registered 60 or more days ago?  If so, great! If not, you’ll need to wait until the 60-day mark before transferring it away from Porkbun. We feel your pain, but them’s the rules.

Has your domain been with Porkbun for at least 60 days? Same deal as above. ICANN rules say a domain must stay at one registrar for 60 days before it can be transferred to another. Please note that if you become dissatisfied with your new registrar, you’ll need to wait 60 days to transfer your domain back to Porkbun for the same reason.

Preparing to Transfer a Domain From Porkbun

Unlock your domain. Click the green locked padlock icon to the right of your domain. You’ll be asked if you’re sure you want to unlock the domain. Say yes. The green padlock icon that appears will flash yellow to indicate that the domain is unlocked and ready to transfer. To verify this, select the "Details" drop-down list, then look for the Domain Lock section. The switch should be in the “off” position. 
how to unlock domain for transfer
Grab an authorization code (also called an EPP key) to provide to your new registrar. From Domain Management, click the drop-down list and select “Get Authorization Code."
get domain authorization code

A window will pop up with your key listed under "Auth Code."

transfer domain name away from porkbun

Initiate the Domain Transfer

In another tab or window, connect to your new registrar and begin the process of transferring your domain. When asked for your authorization code, copy and paste the code you revealed in the previous step.

Once the transfer is confirmed at the new registrar, it will transfer about 5 days later. You can accelerate this process once the transfer is confirmed at the new registrar by returning to the "Registrar Transfer" area and clicking "Approve Transfer Out."

start transfer domain out of Porkbun

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