How Long Does It Take to Change Nameservers?

When you want to change nameservers, you may find it seems not to have taken effect right away. How long does it take to change nameservers, you wonder? We’ve got your answer!

How Much Time to Change Nameservers?

The maximum time for a change to your Authoritative Nameserver to apply worldwide is 48 hours. If changing nameservers hasn’t taken effect yet, that’s the most likely reason.

If you change your Authoritative Nameservers in Porkbun’s Domain Management console, this change can take 48 hours to fully propagate across the Internet. Porkbun immediately submits any Authoritative Nameserver changes you make to the appropriate registry, but after that, it’s pretty much out of our hands. 

To check the Authoritative Nameserver propagation, you can use a DNS propagation checker such as WhatsMyDNS and select “NS” as the record type.

Ready to change nameservers? Check out our guide on how to change nameservers and let’s get started!

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