How to connect your domain to Pattern by Etsy
Want to link your domain to Pattern by Etsy? We can do that!
You will need to add both an A record and a CNAME record for your domain to work.
Setting up your domain's CNAME record
- 1
Log in. You should arrive at the Domain Management screen. If you're already logged in, click on ACCOUNT in the top-right corner and select Domain Management.
- 2
Click the drop-down list to the far right of your domain. Then click the "Edit" option next to DNS records.
- 3
- Add a new CNAME record:
- Type: "CNAME - Canonical name record."
- Host: www
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Click Add to finish adding the CNAME record.
Setting up your domain's A record
Next, we will want to add your A record. Here's how:
- 1
On the Manage DNS Records screen, scroll down and locate one or more default ALIAS or CNAME records that are currently pointing to Porkbun's parking server. Click the trash can icons to the right of the bad records to remove them.
- 2
- Scroll up to the top of the Manage DNS Records screen to add the correct A record.
- Type: "A - Address record"
- Host: left blank
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…then hit Add.
- 3
Click the X icon in the top right of the popup box to close the "Manage DNS Records" window.
That's it! You have connected your domain to Pattern by Etsy. According to this article at the Etsy Help Center, here are the additional steps you will need to take:
"Once you've finished setting up your records, you must visit your Pattern Dashboard to connect your domain to your Pattern site by entering in the Connect field next to Own your domain? Keep in mind that it can take up to 48 hours for your domain to connect."