How to set up WordPress in cPanel

If you've  purchased traditional hosting you can use Softaculous to install common web applications without having to do a bunch of manual configuration, for instance setting up databases. Softaculous takes care of all of this for you. In this tutorial, we'll go over how to install Wordpress.

Log in. You should arrive at the Domain Management screen. If you're already logged in, click on ACCOUNT in the top-right corner and select Domain Management.
Locate the domain to which you wish to add Wordpress. To the right of the domain is a block of icons. Click the 'cPanel' icon that is the leftmost in that block. If instead, you see a grey house icon, you've yet to purchase hosting. You can purchase hosting by clicking on the house.
On the next screen, click "Launch cPanel" button.

On the next screen, click the option for 'WordPress Manager by Softaculous.'
On the next screen, click the 'Install' button under the 'WordPress Management' section.
On the next screen, there's one important setting to immediately change: "In Directory." In most cases, you'll want to change it from "wp" to blank.

The default value is "wp", however this will install WordPress to http://yoursite.example/wp when you most likely want WordPress installed to http://yoursite.example (without the /wp.) To fix this, erase "wp" from this box so that it is blank.

Fill out any additional fields to pre-configure your instance of WordPress, for instance, the site name, the administrative password, etc. 
As soon as everything is looking correct, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click "Install." The install will complete automatically and after a few minutes, you'll be able to log in by selecting the blue "Login" button to the right of your domain name. 

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